Common Medicinal Herbs and Their Uses

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Common Medicinal Herbs and Their Uses

Medicinal herbs are plentiful in the world. Many even grow near us without our knowledge of their uses in the aspect of relief and treatment of ailments and diseases. Many herbs have different functions ranging from relief of ailments to cooking aids. Medicinal herbs do not necessarily have just one medicinal property; many of them have different properties that can aid in treating a sick person. Growing medicinal herbs is a favorite past time for many people. Garlic This medicinal herb is quite common and also cheap. Garlic has the capacity to lower cholesterol and blood pressure in a person. It can also help to thin the blood which can be both helpful and dangerous. Thinning of the blood affects clotting which is dangerous when a person undergoes an operation, dental procedures or gets wounded. Fresh garlic can be used as an antiseptic agent for shallow...

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3
Peanuts: One of the best sources for vitamin B3 niacin

Vitamin B3 niacin is an essential vitamin for your body, and it is just one of the eight water soluble types of B vitamins. Nearly all of the B vitamin classes will help the body convert carbohydrates into sugar or glucose, which can then be burned to produce energy. Also known as complex B vitamins, B3 niacin are essential in helping the body break down protein and fat. Complex B vitamins also play an important role with maintaining muscle tone within the digestive tract, along with the health of the skin, nervous system, live, eyes, hair, and mouth. Even though a lot of people associate creative with the aspect of muscles and muscle tone, vitamin B3 niacin is as equally important – if not more important. B3 niacin is also important with getting harmful or toxic chemicals out of the body. It can also help the body produce different sex and stress related...